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Intensive Course of Oral Implantology 2018

Written by DTC Miami

Created 05/1/2018

Our first intensive course of the year has been a success. We have had a diverse group of doctors from Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Peru, Brazil, Puerto Rico and Bolivia. Our speakers, Dr. Lester Gil and Dr. Juan Buitrago introduced the important concepts of implantology. For example, our first day of the course commenced with dentists learning about L-PRF and performing a hands-on training to obtain L-PRF. The hands-on was done in groups of two. The dentists obtained blood from each other and used the FDA-approved centrifuge IntraSpin. Some dentists had never even taken blood out before.


At DTC Miami, we want our dentists to be confident and excited with the innovations occurring in dentistry. Our instructors ensure that each dentist is performing the hands-on adequately and safely. The L-PRF hands-on is crucial to understanding how plasma works to create gummy blocks for osseointegration of implants in the mouth. While performing hands-on helps the dentist feel confident and comfortable with implantology, observation is equally as important. The dentists get to observe a live oral surgery. Throughout the surgery, our doctors discuss the techniques, the measurements, the speed of the drills, and many other meticulous details to guarantee successful results. Visually exposing our participants help them to better comprehend the concepts. The dentists also had the chance to learn about the latest melange in beauty and dentistry. During a procedure for rejuvenation, the doctors had the chance to observe in real-time, the procedure of injecting L-PRF in the facial and subcutaneous region.


Another exciting activity was the hands-on of plastic mandibles to stimulate dentists into what the real surgery would be like. Dentists were drilling into the jawline to insert implants, so they could be familiar with implantology. For the finalization of our intensive course, dentists will be able to use pig jaws to perform oral surgery with the supervision of our speakers. Dentists learn the theoretical aspects of implantology, and then perform the practical to get an all around sense of what implantology is. Our intensive course of oral implantology has been overflowing with theoretical knowledge, live oral surgeries and hands-on. Be part of our upcoming courses for an unforgettable experience like this!