Written by DTC Miami
Created 07/27/2018
The word ‘Bichectomy’ gets its name from Marie François Xavier Bichat, a French anatomist, physician and biologist who explained the idea of fat within the cheek (1). Dentists, particularly, dentists of dental surgery, are exploring the functions of Bichectomy also known as Bichatectomy, a more proper term, but simply known as cheek surgery. Why would a dentist benefit in knowing about Bichectomy? With this procedure, the dentist is able to provide more harmonization to the patient’s facial features like the cheeks, jawline and smile. This procedure can also help patients who bite the inside of their cheeks (2). If you are a dentist doing dental implantology, bichectomy should be the next thing on your to-do list. According Orthognathic Surgery Institute of Curitiba, Brazilto “This aesthetic surgical procedure gives the face a more youthful appearance and it is possible to achieve a thinner face appearance, more esthetic within a harmonious balance. Bichatectomy is a very safe procedure which can be performed in the office as outpatient with the patient under intravenous or sedation.”(3).
Who is the right candidate for a bichectomy?
18 years or older
Physically Fit/Healthy
Realistic About Bichectomy Goals and Results
Positive Attitude
The Bichectomy procedure results in a congruous center and lower third of face (4).
Source: Eber Luis de L S. Bichectomy or Bichatectomy – A Small and Simple Intraoral Surgical Procedure with Great Facial Results. Adv Dent & Oral Health. 2015; 1(1): 555555.